25. Notebook + Quiz: Interpreting Model Coefficients


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Using your first model match each value to the correct description of that value.




The predicted difference in the price of a home in neighborhood in A as compared to neighborhood C, holding other variables constant.

For every one unit increase in the area of a home, we predict the price of the home to increase by _ (holding all other variables constant)?

The predicted home price if the home is a lodge in neighborhood C with an area of 0.

The predicted difference in price between a victorian and lodge home, holding all other variables constant is _.




The predicted home price if the home is a lodge in neighborhood C with an area of 0.

The predicted difference in the price of a home in neighborhood in A as compared to neighborhood C, holding other variables constant.

For every one unit increase in the area of a home, we predict the price of the home to increase by _ (holding all other variables constant)?

The predicted difference in price between a victorian and lodge home, holding all other variables constant is _.


Using the results from your second model, match the values to the appropriate descriptions.




For every one unit increase in the area of the home, we predict the price to increase by _.

For every one unit increase in the area of the home squared, the predicted increase in price is by __.

Based on the results, do you think adding a higher order term for area is useful in predicting the price of the home?

The predicted difference between the price of a ranch home and a lodge, holding all other variables constant is _.




Based on the results, do you think adding a higher order term for area is useful in predicting the price of the home?

For every one unit increase in the area of the home, we predict the price to increase by _.

For every one unit increase in the area of the home squared, the predicted increase in price is by __.

The predicted difference between the price of a ranch home and a lodge, holding all other variables constant is _.

For every one unit increase in the area of the home, we predict the price to increase by _.

For every one unit increase in the area of the home squared, the predicted increase in price is by __.

For every one unit increase in the area of the home, we predict the price to increase by _.

For every one unit increase in the area of the home squared, the predicted increase in price is by __.

Based on your results, choose the best answer below. Feel free to fit new models as necessary to answer this question.

SOLUTION: A best model might only include the area, and a dummy variable for neighborhood B vs. the other neighborhoods.